Everything about Shorinji Kempo


The famous words from Kaisho after he  witnessed and experienced sorrow, miseries and hardship during and following the World War II.

Kaiso realised that true peace could only come from fostering compassion, courage and a sense of justice in as many people as possible,

Shorinji Kempo aims to develop people who fit the following ideals:

  • People who can live with faith in their own potential
  • People who can speak their minds and act on their believes
  • People who can act with consideration for their happiness of others
  • People who can act with compassion, courage and a sense of justice
  • People who can live in mutual understanding and co-operation with others


  1. Samu
  2. Chinkon gyō
  3. Junbi taisō
  4. Kihon
  5. Hōkei
  6. Embu
  7. Unyōhō (randori)
  8. Seihō
  9. Hōwa
  10. Tenko

"Started From Giving to Others

A good teacher is one who trains disciples better than himself. One commonly understood fact in Japanese martial arts and sports is that a teacher can never be less than his disciple. So he must always be better. He must always stand at the top. Naturally, he cannot teach what is really important. He keeps it hidden just for himself. As the saying “handed down from father to one son” illustrates, you teach the true secrets to yourchild, never to your disciples.

It was the same in China. I didn’t steal this, I found it for myself. I found I had become better than my seniors. “No, no, no.. you do it like this, but you should be doing it like this! Isn’t it obvious...” I was probably a little brash, but if I teach you the same way, without holding back, then next it is you who will improve. But if you then kept that information in your pocket, it all ends there. Is that really what we want? The reason Shorinji Kempo has grown the way it has is because we started from giving to others. Remember this fact well.

And through this, don’t you think that we can strengthen bonds, protect love, and help each other as we build a magnificent society? This is no dream. It is absolutely achievable. First, why not try to change your workplace, school, or local community? It might not be immediately doable today. But it will definitely become possible in the future." (October 23, 1977 at the appointment of a head for a newly established Doin)

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